Tim Sweeney & Bogman @ Camera Sambo

09 feb. 2012
1 afișări
Tim Sweeney & Bogman @ Camera Sambo

Tim Sweeney (Beats in Space / DFA, New York)

Cel mai indicat ar fi sa vorbim despre Tim Sweeney si emisiunea sa de radio Beats in Space m pentru ca au o istorie comuna. Timp de aproape un deceniu, Tim Sweeney a cescut popularitatea acestui radio show difuzat din inima NY City, care la randul sau l-a ajutat sa devina unul dintre cei mai cunoscuti dj new-yorkezi. Intelegand puterea unui asemnea dance-oriented show, Tim a mixat cele mai dansante piese de disco, new wave, Chicago house, minimal techno, Krautrock, funk and soul, or post-punk, fara sa tina cont de genul muzical , timp sau spatiu.S-a inspirat din orice mediu , a cautat valoarea in orice stil si gen muzical si a promovat acest nou concept de combinatie de stiluri, invitand artsiti cu nume sonore si dj veniti din mai multe zone muzicale. In studio-ul BIS , Sweeny a avut alaturi o mare divestitate de artisti, de la Carl Craig si Superpitcher , veniti dintr-o scena avant-techno , la grupul australian de turntablisti The Avalanches, si pana la legende hip-hop ca Steinski ( Double Dee & Steinski’s Lessons fame).

„Since I need to do something different for each show, I’m forced to go out and discover new music every week. It can be recently released or unreleased records, or older songs that people haven’t heard before. I try to find the best music from all different genres, and then make them fit together in ways that appeal to people who might not have liked, say, disco or techno, before now. For me it’s always fun finding tracks that people don’t know about, but that sound amazing.” – Sweeney.

Dupa o vreme ,Sweeney isi incepe colaborarea cu DFA Records si devine producator si co-producator al unor hituri si trupe de succes. In 2009 lansa label-ul Beats in Space Records.

